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Navigation in der Tcl-Shell

In der Tcl-Shell tclsh ist es ziemlich nervend, dass es keine History gibt, durch die man mit den Pfeiltasten navigieren kann. Ganz unverständlich ist, dass man den Cursor nicht einmal mit den Pfeiltasten nach rechts und links bewegen kann. Es erscheinen hier per Standard nur die Zeichencodes der Tasten: ^[[A^[[B^[[C^[[D.

Im Tcler's Wiki habe ich ein Skript von Adly Abdullah gefunden, was dies ausbessert. Das Skript muss nur per Copy&Paste in eine Datei ~/bin/tclline.tcl (oder wo immer man es haben will) gespeichert und ausführbar gemacht werden. Danach muss noch die Zeile

source ~/bin/tclline.tcl 

in die Datei ~/.tclshrc eingefügt werden.

Unten stehend ist meine Version des Skriptes, da ich noch kleinere Änderungen vornehmen musste/wollte:

  • Prompt beginnt mit "%", nicht ">"
  • [Pos1] und [Ende] haben bei mir andere Zeichencodes
  • [Strg]+[C] und [Strg]+[D] beenden die Shell
  • Navigation über mehrere Wörter per [Strg]+[Cursor rechts] bzw. [Strg]+[Cursor links] <l/i>
  • beim Beenden der Shell wird der Bildschirminhalt nicht mehr gelöscht
#! /usr/bin/env tclsh
# tclline: An attempt at a pure tcl readline.

# Use Tclx if available:
catch {
  package require Tclx

  # Prevent sigint from killing our shell:
  signal ignore SIGINT

# Initialise our own env variables:
foreach {var val} {
  PROMPT "% "
} {
  if {![info exists env($var)]} {
      set env($var) $val
foreach {var val} {
} {
  set env($var) $val
unset var val

array set ALIASES {}
set forever 0

# Resource & history files:
set HISTFILE $env(HOME)/.tclline_history
set RCFILE $env(HOME)/.tcllinerc

proc ESC {} {
  return "\033"

proc shift {ls} {
  upvar 1 $ls LIST
  set ret [lindex $LIST 0]
  set LIST [lrange $LIST 1 end]
  return $ret

proc readbuf {txt} {
  upvar 1 $txt STRING
  set ret [string index $STRING 0]
  set STRING [string range $STRING 1 end]
  return $ret

proc goto {row {col 1}} {
  switch -- $row {
      "home" {set row 1}
  print "[ESC]\[${row};${col}H" nowait

proc gotocol {col} {
  print "\r" nowait
  if {$col > 0} {
      print "[ESC]\[${col}C" nowait

proc clear {} {
  print "[ESC]\[2J" nowait
  goto home

proc clearline {} {
  print "[ESC]\[2K\r" nowait

proc getColumns {} {
  set cols 0
  if {![catch {exec stty -a} err]} {
      regexp {rows \d+; columns (\d+)} $err -> cols
  return $cols

proc prompt {{txt ""}} {
  global env
  set prompt [subst $env(PROMPT)]
  set txt "$prompt$txt"
  foreach {end mid} $env(CMDLINE_LINES) break
  # Calculate how many extra lines we need to display.
  # Also calculate cursor position:
  set n -1
  set totalLen 0
  set cursorLen [expr {$env(CMDLINE_CURSOR)+[string length $prompt]}]
  set row 0
  set col 0
  # Render output line-by-line to $out then copy back to $txt:
  set found 0
  set out [list]
  foreach line [split $txt "\n"] {
      set len [expr {[string length $line]+1}]
      incr totalLen $len
      if {$found == 0 && $totalLen >= $cursorLen} {
          set cursorLen [expr {$cursorLen - ($totalLen - $len)}]
          set col [expr {$cursorLen % $env(COLUMNS)}]
          set row [expr {$n + ($cursorLen / $env(COLUMNS)) + 1}]
          if {$cursorLen >= $len} {
              set col 0
              incr row
          set found 1
      incr n [expr {int(ceil(double($len)/$env(COLUMNS)))}]
      while {$len > 0} {
          lappend out [string range $line 0 [expr {$env(COLUMNS)-1}]]
          set line [string range $line $env(COLUMNS) end]
          set len [expr {$len-$env(COLUMNS)}]
  set txt [join $out "\n"]
  set row [expr {$n-$row}]
  # Reserve spaces for display:
  if {$end} {
      if {$mid} {
          print "[ESC]\[${mid}B" nowait
      for {set x 0} {$x < $end} {incr x} {
          print "[ESC]\[1A" nowait
  set env(CMDLINE_LINES) $n
  # Output line(s):
  print "\r$txt"
  if {$row} {
      print "[ESC]\[${row}A" nowait
  gotocol $col
  lappend env(CMDLINE_LINES) $row

proc print {txt {wait wait}} {
  # Sends output to stdout chunks at a time.
  # This is to prevent the terminal from
  # hanging if we output too much:
  while {[string length $txt]} {
      puts -nonewline [string range $txt 0 2047]
      set txt [string range $txt 2048 end]
      if {$wait == "wait"} {
          after 1

rename unknown _unknown
proc unknown {args} {
  global env ALIASES

  set name [lindex $args 0]
  set cmdline $env(CMDLINE)
  set cmd [string trim [regexp -inline {^\s*[^\s]+} $cmdline]]
  if {[info exists ALIASES($cmd)]} {
      set cmd [regexp -inline {^\s*[^\s]+} $ALIASES($cmd)]
  set new [auto_execok $name]
  if {$new != ""} {
      set redir ""
      if {$name == $cmd && [info command $cmd] == ""} {
          set redir ">&@ stdout <@ stdin"
      if {[catch {
          uplevel 1 exec $redir $new [lrange $args 1 end]} ret]
      } {
      return $ret
  eval _unknown $args

proc alias {word command} {
  global ALIASES
  set ALIASES($word) $command

proc unalias {word} {
  global ALIASES
  array unset ALIASES $word

# Key bindings
proc handleEscapes {} {
  global env
  upvar 1 keybuffer keybuffer
  set seq ""
  set found 0
  while {[set ch [readbuf keybuffer]] != ""} {
      append seq $ch

      switch -exact -- $seq {
          "\[A" { ;# Cursor Up (cuu1,up)
              handleHistory 1
              set found 1; break
          "\[B" { ;# Cursor Down
              handleHistory -1
              set found 1; break
          "\[C" { ;# Cursor Right (cuf1,nd)
              if {$env(CMDLINE_CURSOR) < [string length $env(CMDLINE)]} {
                  incr env(CMDLINE_CURSOR)
              set found 1; break
          "\[D" { ;# Cursor Left
              if {$env(CMDLINE_CURSOR) > 0} {
                  incr env(CMDLINE_CURSOR) -1
              set found 1; break
          "\[OH" -
          "\[H" -
          "\[7~" -
          "\[1~" { ;# home
              set env(CMDLINE_CURSOR) 0
              set found 1; break
          "\[3~" { ;# delete
              if {$env(CMDLINE_CURSOR) < [string length $env(CMDLINE)]} {
                  set env(CMDLINE) [string replace $env(CMDLINE) \
                      $env(CMDLINE_CURSOR) $env(CMDLINE_CURSOR)]
              set found 1; break
          "\[OF" -
          "\[F" -
          "\[K" -
          "\[8~" -
          "\[4~" { ;# end
              set env(CMDLINE_CURSOR) [string length $env(CMDLINE)]
              set found 1; break
          "\[5~" { ;# Page Up }
          "\[6~" { ;# Page Down }
          "\[2~" { ;# Insert }
          "\[1;5C" { ;# Strg+Cursor right
              jumpToNonAlphaNum 1
              set found 1; break
          "\[1;5D" { ;# Strg+Cursor left
              jumpToNonAlphaNum 0
              set found 1; break
  return $found

# return true if word only contains alphanumeric characters
# the empty string will return 0
proc isAlphaNum { word } {
    return [regexp {^\w+$} $word]

# jump to the next non alphanumeric character in the current line
# if forward is not 0 we go to the right
# if forward is 0 we go to the left and will stop at the begin of a word
proc jumpToNonAlphaNum { forward } {

    global env
    set found 0

    # if the current string is not a alphanumeric character
    # we must go to the first alphanumeric character and start our search there
    if { ![isAlphaNum [string index $env(CMDLINE) $env(CMDLINE_CURSOR)]] } {
        if { $forward } {
            # search forward
            for { set ii $env(CMDLINE_CURSOR) } { $ii <= [string length $env(CMDLINE)] } { incr ii } {
                if { [isAlphaNum [string index $env(CMDLINE) $ii]] } {
                    set env(CMDLINE_CURSOR) $ii
                    set found 1
        } else {
            # search backward
            for { set ii $env(CMDLINE_CURSOR) } { $ii >= 0 } { incr ii -1 } {
                if { [isAlphaNum [string index $env(CMDLINE) $ii]] } {
                    set env(CMDLINE_CURSOR) $ii
                    set found 1
    } else {
        set found 1
    if { $found } {
        # now search for the first non alphanumeric character
        set found 0
        if { $forward } {
            # search forward
            for { set ii $env(CMDLINE_CURSOR) } { $ii <= [string length $env(CMDLINE)] } { incr ii } {
                if { ![isAlphaNum [string index $env(CMDLINE) $ii]] } {
                    set env(CMDLINE_CURSOR) $ii
                    set found 1
        } else {
            # search backward
            for { set ii $env(CMDLINE_CURSOR) } { $ii >= 0 } { incr ii -1 } {
                if { ![isAlphaNum [string index $env(CMDLINE) $ii]] } {
                    set env(CMDLINE_CURSOR) $ii
                    set found 1
    # if not found we jump to the start or end
    if { !$found } {
        if { $forward } {
            set env(CMDLINE_CURSOR) [string length $env(CMDLINE)]
        } else {
            set env(CMDLINE_CURSOR) 0

proc handleControls {} {
  global env
  upvar 1 char char
  upvar 1 keybuffer keybuffer

  # Control chars start at a == \u0001 and count up.
  switch -exact -- $char {
      \u0004 -
      \u0003 { ;# ^c
      \u0008 -
      \u007f { ;# ^h && backspace ?
          if {$env(CMDLINE_CURSOR) > 0} {
              incr env(CMDLINE_CURSOR) -1
              set env(CMDLINE) [string replace $env(CMDLINE) \
                  $env(CMDLINE_CURSOR) $env(CMDLINE_CURSOR)]
      \u001b { ;# ESC - handle escape sequences
  # Rate limiter:
  set keybuffer ""

proc shortMatch {maybe} {
  # Find the shortest matching substring:
  set maybe [lsort $maybe]
  set shortest [lindex $maybe 0]
  foreach x $maybe {
      while {![string match $shortest* $x]} {
          set shortest [string range $shortest 0 end-1]
  return $shortest

proc handleCompletion {} {
  global env
  set vars ""
  set cmds ""
  set execs ""
  set files ""
  # First find out what kind of word we need to complete:
  set wordstart [string last " " $env(CMDLINE) \
      [expr {$env(CMDLINE_CURSOR)-1}]]
  incr wordstart
  set wordend [string first " " $env(CMDLINE) $wordstart]
  if {$wordend == -1} {
      set wordend end
  } else {
      incr wordend -1
  set word [string range $env(CMDLINE) $wordstart $wordend]
  if {[string trim $word] == ""} return
  set firstchar [string index $word 0]
  # Check if word is a variable:
  if {$firstchar == "\$"} {
      set word [string range $word 1 end]
      incr wordstart
      # Check if it is an array key:
      set x [string first "(" $word]
      if {$x != -1} {
          set v [string range $word 0 [expr {$x-1}]]
          incr x
          set word [string range $word $x end]
          incr wordstart $x
          if {[uplevel #0 "array exists $v"]} {
              set vars [uplevel #0 "array names $v $word*"]
      } else {        
          foreach x [uplevel #0 {info vars}] {
              if {[string match $word* $x]} {
                  lappend vars $x
  } else {
      # Check if word is possibly a path:
      if {$firstchar == "/" || $firstchar == "." || $wordstart != 0} {
          set files [glob -nocomplain -- $word*]
      if {$files == ""} {
          # Not a path then get all possibilities:
          if {$firstchar == "\[" || $wordstart == 0} {
              if {$firstchar == "\["} {
                  set word [string range $word 1 end]
                  incr wordstart
              # Check executables:
              foreach dir [split $env(PATH) :] {
                  foreach f [glob -nocomplain -directory $dir -- $word*] {
                      set exe [string trimleft [string range $f \
                          [string length $dir] end] "/"]
                      if {[lsearch -exact $execs $exe] == -1} {
                          lappend execs $exe
              # Check commands:
              foreach x [info commands] {
                  if {[string match $word* $x]} {
                      lappend cmds $x
          } else {
              # Check commands anyway:
              foreach x [info commands] {
                  if {[string match $word* $x]} {
                      lappend cmds $x
      if {$wordstart != 0} {
          # Check variables anyway:
          set x [string first "(" $word]
          if {$x != -1} {
              set v [string range $word 0 [expr {$x-1}]]
              incr x
              set word [string range $word $x end]
              incr wordstart $x
              if {[uplevel #0 "array exists $v"]} {
                  set vars [uplevel #0 "array names $v $word*"]
          } else {        
              foreach x [uplevel #0 {info vars}] {
                  if {[string match $word* $x]} {
                      lappend vars $x
  set maybe [concat $vars $cmds $execs $files]
  set shortest [shortMatch $maybe]
  if {"$word" == "$shortest"} {
      if {[llength $maybe] > 1 && $env(COMPLETION_MATCH) != $maybe} {
          set env(COMPLETION_MATCH) $maybe
          set temp ""
          foreach {match format} {
              vars  "35"
              cmds  "1;32"
              execs "32"
              files "0"
          } {
              if {[llength [set $match]]} {
                  append temp "[ESC]\[${format}m"
                  foreach x [set $match] {
                      append temp "[file tail $x] "
                  append temp "[ESC]\[0m"
          print "\n$temp\n"
  } else {
      if {[file isdirectory $shortest] &&
          [string index $shortest end] != "/"} {
          append shortest "/"
      if {$shortest != ""} {
          set env(CMDLINE) \
              [string replace $env(CMDLINE) $wordstart $wordend $shortest]
          set env(CMDLINE_CURSOR) \
              [expr {$wordstart+[string length $shortest]}]
      } elseif {$env(COMPLETION_MATCH) != " not found "} {
          set env(COMPLETION_MATCH) " not found "
          print "\nNo match found.\n"

proc handleHistory {x} {
  global env

  set hlen [llength $env(HISTORY)]
  incr env(HISTORY_LEVEL) $x
  if {$env(HISTORY_LEVEL) > -1} {
      set env(CMDLINE) [lindex $env(HISTORY) end-$env(HISTORY_LEVEL)]
      set env(CMDLINE_CURSOR) [string length $env(CMDLINE)]
  if {$env(HISTORY_LEVEL) <= -1} {
      set env(HISTORY_LEVEL) -1
      set env(CMDLINE) ""
      set env(CMDLINE_CURSOR) 0
  } elseif {$env(HISTORY_LEVEL) > $hlen} {
      set env(HISTORY_LEVEL) $hlen

# History handling functions

proc getHistory {} {
  global env
  return $env(HISTORY)

proc setHistory {hlist} {
  global env
  set env(HISTORY) $hlist

proc appendHistory {cmdline} {
  global env
  set old [lsearch -exact $env(HISTORY) $cmdline]
  if {$old != -1} {
      set env(HISTORY) [lreplace $env(HISTORY) $old $old]
  lappend env(HISTORY) $cmdline
  set env(HISTORY) \
      [lrange $env(HISTORY) end-$env(HISTORY_BUFFER) end]

# main()

proc rawInput {} {
  fconfigure stdin -buffering none -blocking 0
  fconfigure stdout -buffering none -translation crlf
  exec stty raw -echo

proc lineInput {} {
  fconfigure stdin -buffering line -blocking 1
  fconfigure stdout -buffering line
  exec stty -raw echo

proc doExit {{code 0}} {
  global env HISTFILE
  # Reset terminal:
  print "\n" nowait
  set hlist [getHistory]
  if {[llength $hlist] > 0} {
      set f [open $HISTFILE w]
      foreach x $hlist {
          # Escape newlines:
          puts $f [string map {
              \n "\\n"
              "\\" "\\b"
          } $x]
      close $f
  exit $code

if {[file exists $RCFILE]} {
  source $RCFILE

# Load history if available:
if {[llength $env(HISTORY)] == 0} {
  if {[file exists $HISTFILE]} {
      set f [open $HISTFILE r]
      set hlist [list]
      foreach x [split [read $f] "\n"] {
          if {$x != ""} {
              # Undo newline escapes:
              lappend hlist [string map {
                  "\\n" \n
                  "\\\\" "\\"
                  "\\b" "\\"
              } $x]
      setHistory $hlist
      unset hlist
      close $f


# This is to restore the environment on exit:
# Do not unalias this!
alias exit doExit

proc tclline {} {
  global env
  set char ""
  set keybuffer [read stdin]
  set env(COLUMNS) [getColumns]
  while {$keybuffer != ""} {
      if {[eof stdin]} return
      set char [readbuf keybuffer]
      if {$char == ""} {
          # Sleep for a bit to reduce CPU time:
          after 40
      if {[string is print $char]} {
          set x $env(CMDLINE_CURSOR)
          if {$x < 1 && [string trim $char] == ""} continue
          set trailing [string range $env(CMDLINE) $x end]
          set env(CMDLINE) [string replace $env(CMDLINE) $x end]
          append env(CMDLINE) $char
          append env(CMDLINE) $trailing
          incr env(CMDLINE_CURSOR)
      } elseif {$char == "\t"} {
      } elseif {$char == "\n" || $char == "\r"} {
          if {[info complete $env(CMDLINE)] &&
              [string index $env(CMDLINE) end] != "\\"} {
              print "\n" nowait
              uplevel #0 {
                  global env ALIASES
                  # Handle aliases:
                  set cmdline $env(CMDLINE)
                  set cmd [string trim [regexp -inline {^\s*[^\s]+} $cmdline]]
                  if {[info exists ALIASES($cmd)]} {
                      regsub -- "(?q)$cmd" $cmdline $ALIASES($cmd) cmdline
                  # Perform glob substitutions:
                  set cmdline [string map {
                      "\\*" \0
                      "\\~" \1
                  } $cmdline]
                  # Don't substitute * and ~ in braces:
                  foreach x [regexp -inline -all -indices {{.*?}} $cmdline] {
                      foreach {i n} $x break
                      set s [string range $cmdline $i $n]
                      set s [string map {
                          "*" \0
                          "~" \1
                      } $s]
                      set cmdline [string replace $cmdline $i $n $s]
                  while {[regexp -indices \
                      {([\w/\.]*(?:~|\*)[\w/\.]*)+} $cmdline x]
                  } {
                      foreach {i n} $x break
                      set s [string range $cmdline $i $n]
                      set x [glob -nocomplain -- $s]
                      # If glob can't find anything then don't do
                      # glob substitution, pass * or ~ as literals:
                      if {$x == ""} {
                          set x [string map {              
                              "*" \0
                              "~" \1
                          } $s]
                      set cmdline [string replace $cmdline $i $n $x]
                  set cmdline [string map {
                      \0 "*"
                      \1 "~"
                  } $cmdline]
                  # Run the command:
                  catch $cmdline res
                  if {$res != ""} {
                      print "$res\n"
                  # Append HISTORY:
                  set env(HISTORY_LEVEL) -1
                  appendHistory $env(CMDLINE)
                  set env(CMDLINE) ""
                  set env(CMDLINE_CURSOR) 0
                  set env(CMDLINE_LINES) {0 0}
          } else {
              set x $env(CMDLINE_CURSOR)
              if {$x < 1 && [string trim $char] == ""} continue
              set trailing [string range $env(CMDLINE) $x end]
              set env(CMDLINE) [string replace $env(CMDLINE) $x end]
              append env(CMDLINE) $char
              append env(CMDLINE) $trailing
              incr env(CMDLINE_CURSOR)
      } else {
  prompt $env(CMDLINE)

fileevent stdin readable tclline
vwait forever


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